
  • network: internet, but not connected

    The Issue I just moved to a new place and when connecting to the internet I had no issues… until I tried to connect my PC. As you can see here, I am connected but have no Internet. Troubleshooting Steps 2. Next we will try to ping the loopback address, a loopback address will reply…

  • Wireshark pcap tutorial

    I’ve used Wireshark before and I’ve configured some settings, today I want to follow a tutorial on analyzing web traffic through Wireshark to troubleshoot a slow connection. In this tutorial we are taught a neat trick right off the bat! We can label IP addresses to help keep track of the communication between devices, as…

  • tryhackme pyramid of pain (ip addresses)

    This is the next section of the pyramid of pain… IP ADDRESSES! Here we are told that Fast Flux is a DNS technique used by botnets to hide phishing, web proxying, malware delivery etc. after reading the Palo Alto networks page on this topic (here, archive) this is a method that takes a domain name…

  • Tryhackme Pyramid of pain (Hash values)

    This is my walkthrough on the tryhackme soc level 1 starting at the pyramid of pain. This first section is hash values, what we learn is m5 and sha-1 have been phased out due to them being susceptible to either hash collisions (were two different files have the same hash) or the hash could be…

  • pico-ctf-logon

    This is a write up on the Pico CTF practice challenge logon. To start this challenge, I am given a URL to access with a simple log in page. The task is to login as user “Joe”. When trying a default login of “admin” “admin” I am allowed access but with the pop up of…

  • Sec+-study-01

    I’ve been studying for CompTIA sec+ for a month or two, I’ve been reviewing the proper PDF study guide, along with Professor Messer’s videos on Youtube. I finished the last half of 2.3 Secure Application and Development, and 2.4 Authentication and Authorization. Upon reading and watching some thing interesting caught my attention. GAIT AUTHORIZATION. This…

  • test-project-post

    This is my new project post

  • this-is-an-example-second-post

    test test test I made this post to practice how I going to format site post in different categories. (blog and project post) I can do this manually but I’m curious if there’s an automatic way I can do this. Edit: So after some snooping around in the settings under the “settings : writing” there…

  • website-building-day-01

    I decided to make a website to showcase what I’m working on, both in the way of studying and projects I work on in my free time. By doing this I hope to exercise documenting my experiences. This website will be updated DAILY as a challenge to myself. So for the website I wanted to…